Raising Awareness & Supporting those with PTSD

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects millions of people worldwide. It disrupts lives and causes significant psychological distress. PTSD Awareness Month, observed every June, plays a crucial role in shedding light on this often-misunderstood condition, promoting understanding, and providing support to those affected.

Understanding PTSD

PTSD can develop after an individual experiences or witnesses a traumatic event, such as military combat, natural disasters, serious accidents, or acts of violence. Symptoms can include:

  • intrusive memories
  • trouble sleeping and/or nightmares
  • severe anxiety
  • uncontrollable thoughts about the event
  • self-destructive behavior, such as, drinking too much or driving too fast

These symptoms can interfere with a person’s ability to function in daily life, impacting relationships, work, and overall well-being.

The Importance of Awareness

Awareness is the first step toward addressing PTSD effectively. By increasing our understanding of PTSD, we can combat the stigma associated with mental health issues and encourage more people to seek help. Awareness campaigns can educate the public about the signs and symptoms of PTSD, dispelling myths and misconceptions. For example, many people mistakenly believe that PTSD only affects military veterans, when in fact it can affect anyone who has experienced trauma. Highlighting this can broaden our understanding and empathy towards those suffering.

Support & Resources

Supporting individuals with PTSD involves more than just awareness; it requires tangible actions and resources. Mental health professionals, including therapists and counselors, are critical in providing evidence-based treatments such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), and medication. Ensuring that these treatments are accessible and affordable is essential. During PTSD Awareness Month, advocacy for better mental health funding and insurance coverage can make a significant impact.

Family and friends also play a vital role in supporting those with PTSD. Education about PTSD can help them understand what their loved ones are going through and how best to provide support. Encouraging open communication, being patient, and avoiding judgment are key aspects of this support. Resources such as support groups and educational workshops can equip families with the tools, they need to help their loved ones effectively.

PTSD Awareness Month is a pivotal time to highlight the challenges faced by those living with PTSD and to promote understanding and support. By raising awareness, advocating  for  better  resources,  and  fostering  supportive environments, we can make a significant difference in the lives of individuals with PTSD. It is a collective responsibility to ensure that those affected by trauma receive the compassion, understanding, and help they need to heal and thrive.

Through education, support, and community involvement, we can help break the silence and stigma surrounding PTSD, paving the way for a more empathetic and supportive society.

If you or a loved one is struggling with PTSD or other mental health concerns, we encourage you to connect with a healthcare provider or reach out to a member of our team today.

There is no shame in asking for advice. We’re here to give a helping hand so every person can receive the guidance toward better mental health that they deserve. Our team is ready to provide any assistance you may need on your journey.

LOCAL RESOURCES: Senior Life Solutions

We are Kearney County Health Service’s Senior Life Services outpatient program, designed to meet the unique needs of individuals typically 65 and older, experiencing depression and/or anxiety related to life changes that are often associated with aging.

If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health challenges, we encourage you to connect with a reputable mental healthcare provider and see how treatment may benefit you. Connect with your provider or reach out to a member of our team today at (308)832-3400, Option 4. We are here to help.

ABOUT SENIOR LIFE SERVICESSenior Life Services is managed by Psychiatric Medical Care (PMC). Founded in 2003, PMC is a leading behavioral healthcare management company focused on addressing the needs of rural and underserved communities. PMC manages inpatient behavioral health units, hospital-based outpatient programs, and telehealth services in more than thirty states. The company’s services provide evaluation and treatment for patients suffering from depression, anxiety, mood disorders, memory problems, post-traumatic stress disorder, and other behavioral health problems.  For more information, visit www.seniorlifesolutions.com.

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