COVID-19 Vaccinations

COVID-19 Vaccinations

COVID-19 Vaccinations COVID-19 Vaccinations Pfizer & Maderna Vaccinations Pfizer vaccine needs to be kept at extremely cold temperatures, -70 to –80 degrees. The Pfizer vaccine is two doses that need to be administered 21 days (about 3 weeks) apart. KCHS will be...
What is COVID-19 and how to reduce risk

What is COVID-19 and how to reduce risk

What is COVID-19 and how to reduce risk What are Coronaviruses Coronaviruses are a large group of viruses. Scientists have discovered and categorized hundreds of different coronaviruses. The “corona” (like a crown) name comes from their studded like appearance. We...

COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 Update What we are doing to fight COVID-19 We are working closely with authorities like law enforcement, EMS, and schools to minimize impact of covid-19. Modified testing because of the number of positive tests Decrease in the number of tests available and...

Fighting COVID-19

Fighting COVID-19 We come to you today with concerns about our increasing rates of COVID-19 infections. We are reaching to you to ask for your help in slowing the spread of COVID-19. All of us must work together in the community to achieve the goal of keeping all of...

Pfizer and Maderna Vaccine

Pfizer and Maderna Vaccine Pfizer vaccine needs to be kept at extremely cold temperatures, -70 to –80 degrees. The Pfizer vaccine is two doses that need to be administered 21 days (about 3 weeks) apart. KCHS will be receiving the Maderna vaccine. This vaccine only...