Embrace Summer and Prioritize Your Mental Health!

As we soak up the sun and enjoy longer days, Kearney County Health Service’s Senior Life Solutions wants to remind you to take care of your mental well-being. Summer can bring joy and relaxation, but it’s also important to recognize that mental health needs attention year-round.

Here are some tips to stay mentally healthy this summer:

  • Get outdoors: Enjoy nature’s therapeutic benefits through walks, hikes, or simply soaking up the sun.
  • Nourish your body: Stay hydrated, eat nutritious foods, and enjoy seasonal fruits and veggies.
  • Practice mindfulness: Take moments to breathe deeply, meditate, or try yoga to center yourself.
  • Connect with loved ones: Socialize safely with family and friends to strengthen bonds.
  • 🎨 Express yourself: Engage in creative activities like art, music, or writing to unwind and express feelings.

Remember, your mental health matters every season. Let’s make this summer one of self-care and positivity!

Kearney County Health Service’s Senior Life Solutions is a hospital-based program that supports older adults experiencing depression, anxiety, or other mental health conditions often associated with aging. Call 308-832-3400 option 4 or visit kchs.org/senior-life-solutions for more information or educational resources, or to discuss how our support services can help you.

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